"Chodźcie i zobaczcie..." J 1,39a

"Chodźcie i zobaczcie..." J 1,39a
"Chodźcie i zobaczcie..." J 1,39a

Życie jest wielkim darem Bożym,

jak chcesz je wykorzystać?

Pomyśl, Pomódl się i Podejmij decyzję!!!

bł. ks. Jakub Alberione

…wspieramy Cię naszą modlitwą i posługą…

wtorek, 22 marca 2011

As Lent goes on - why you’re doing this?

It was Ash Wednesday. I was scrambling to decide what exactly I’m giving up for the next 40 days.

A lot of times, we try to do one HUGE sacrifice that seems like the most impressive thing we can think of… but the point isn’t how big our sacrifices are. Lent is about growing closer to Christ.

Lent is about learning to love God better, and he gives us a few different areas to work on in the Gospels: heart, soul, strength, mind, neighborhood.

As Lent goes on, just remember to keep focused on why you’re doing thisto love Jesus better. Walk the road of these 40 days and you’ll be that much more united with Him when he walks the road to Calvary this Triduum.

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