"Chodźcie i zobaczcie..." J 1,39a

"Chodźcie i zobaczcie..." J 1,39a
"Chodźcie i zobaczcie..." J 1,39a

Życie jest wielkim darem Bożym,

jak chcesz je wykorzystać?

Pomyśl, Pomódl się i Podejmij decyzję!!!

bł. ks. Jakub Alberione

…wspieramy Cię naszą modlitwą i posługą…

poniedziałek, 10 stycznia 2011

To hear and to answer God's call - Taize 2010, Rotterdam

In the afternoon block of Taize meetings we had a great opportunity to choose one topic from a very large range (30).  There was a wide range of offers; for example: you could leave the Ahoy Hall and do sightseeing (Rotterdam Port, visit fishers) as well as meet interesting people from all the nations in the different parts of the city by taking part in meetings concerning economical, theological, social, culture and ecumenic matters. There was also a chance to stay in silence (inside so called Silence Room) in order to pray and have a word with a priest or religious sister.

We took part in the workshop which was held in the one of the Ahoy Halls. The topic was:


It was led by brother John (one of Taize brothers). This meeting was held on the first and the second day as well. The attendance was very high. The hall was full of people. Br. John reminded us a question which was the starting point of our discussion: How to find what you are called to?
Also 2 others questions which seemed, at first sight - quite easy, but were introduction to our discussion.
1. Do I believe that God is at work in us?
2. How does God work in my life?

    Each of us could share the answers to these questions. And to my surprise, there was a very high interest in this topic. Br. John seeing it, pointed out 6 things which are worthy to consider when you are looking for what you are called to.

1. Desire God.
 Zacchaeus had to risk so much to meet Jesus. He was even ready to give away half of his fortune. Ask yourself a simple question: Would I be ready to give away my belongings, my position, my talents to Jesus? What does make me not to do it? What am I attached to very much?

2. Listen.
If you want to know what are you called by Christ, you have to know Him.
You have to know, what is the way He acts. You can do it by reading the Bible and meditate the examples of people whose life He took action in. His way of acting shows also how he does take action in your life.

3. Trust.
Miracles do happen when you trust. This is necessary - to trust. Peter experienced it. After fishing all night, at Jesus' word, he experienced miracle. Full net. Trust is a posture of your heart.

4. Take risk.
When do you risk? A lot of answers.
Br. John drew our attention to what I can do if there is possibility that I will lose something.
Decision of risking includes that I can lose. Zacchaeus had to risk a lot. He could lose his reputation which meant much more to him.
The big risk for young people is this: they are not brave enough to take risk - and this is the risk of losing sense of life.

5. Search and ask questions.
Listening to people, asking questions is very important. You are not able to stay alone with your own questions, because you will not make any progress. This is important to find people who you could be understand by and peole who would be able to give answers to your questions.

6. Experience emptiness.
Young people are afraid of emptiness, silence and having nothing. When you do make a space inside you, you will find empty place. If you accept it, you can invite Jesus there. Then you are ready to agree to God's will. He will live in you, slowly making wide your heart.

At the end of meeting Br. John invited us to go to the Silence Room and open our hearts to Jesus and stay a bit in His presence. He also suggested to ask yourself:
What have I risked in my life to choose Jesus?
What does disturb me to make a right decision? To name my own worries, barriers, etc.

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